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Managed Vs Unmanaged VPS: What’s Right for You?

If your business is growing, you’ve probably been thrust into the sometimes-complicated world of hosting and servers – and for good reason. Choosing the right package will determine your success, impacting everything from website performance and security to scalability and support.

But with so many options out there, how do you know which is right for you?

While smaller organisations can often make do with shared hosting, larger ones benefit from dedicated VPS servers. The next question is whether you want managed VPS hosting or unmanaged VPS hosting – both of which we’ll break down in detail below.

We know it’s a bit overwhelming, but there’s no need to worry. Keep reading as we share all the details you need to make an informed decision, including:

  • Shared hosting vs VPS hosting: The basics
  • What is managed VPS hosting?
  • Pros and cons of managed VPS hosting
  • What is unmanaged VPS hosting?
  • Pros and cons of unmanaged VPS hosting
  • So, which is best for your business?
  • Browse competitive VPS packages today

Shared hosting vs VPS hosting: The basics

Before diving into the subcategories of VPS hosting, let’s start by briefly defining our terms – what is VPS hosting, and how does it differ from shared hosting?

VPS stands for “virtual private server” – “private” being the keyword. Basically, it means you don’t have to share resources like RAM, CPU and bandwidth with other users. Instead, you benefit from a dedicated operating system that can be customised and scaled to meet your needs.

In contrast, shared hosting takes a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Multiple clients use the same server, divvying out computing power and storage space (not always equally). While this comes with obvious limitations, such as slower load times, it’s a cost-effective option for small businesses that don’t necessarily need all the features of VPS hosting.

If you have more than 25 employees, handle sensitive customer data and plan on growing your business, especially in the digital space, you’re probably best off with VPS hosting. It’s a clear winner in terms of performance and security.

Now, the question is whether you should choose managed or unmanaged VPS hosting. The following sections explain the pros and cons of each.

What is managed VPS hosting?

As the name suggests, managed VPS hosting is a fantastic option if you want all the hard work done for you. Your service provider will take care of the tricky technical stuff, from software installations and upgrades to scheduled maintenance and data backups. This frees you up to focus on the all-consuming task of running and growing a business.

Pros and cons of managed VPS hosting


Requires minimal or no IT expertise

Most people choose managed VPS hosting because they lack the technical expertise or internal resources to run their own servers. Understandable, because it’s a complicated full-time job with significant ramifications if done poorly.

With managed VPS hosting, your service provider will take care of:

  • System monitoring and updates
  • Server set-up, configuration and maintenance
  • Performance measures
  • Security procedures
  • Data backups
  • Technical support

Instant upgrades and maintenance

Unless you have a thorough understanding of web servers, it’s difficult to know what upgrades are necessary for optimal performance. Luckily, with managed VPS hosting, your provider will install the latest software updates as soon as they drop, ensuring a seamless user experience at all times.

Enhanced security

Managed VPS hosting offers enhanced security on two fronts. Firstly, good service providers know exactly how to keep their customers safe online using firewalls, SSL certificates, malware scanners and more. Secondly, you’ll usually have a skilled technical team available 24/7 to flag and resolve security breaches.

At Swift Internet, we pride ourselves on security. Our managed VPS packages give you unparalleled peace of mind, so you don’t have to worry about ransom attacks and stolen information.


Often more expensive

Managed VPS hosting typically comes with a higher price tag because you’re outsourcing the time-consuming tasks. However, you’ll still find packages to suit every budget. The cheaper ones just have fewer features.

Our competitive packages start from £37.40 per month, with the most expensive costing around £190.30 per month. We might be biased, but we think it’s pretty reasonable, considering the exceptional experience you’ll receive!

Less scope for customisation and scalability

While managed VPS packages give you full root access to your server, you still won’t have the same level of autonomy as you would with unmanaged VPS. This is because you’ll have to work within the confines of the provider’s infrastructure. As such, customisation and the ability to scale your business may be limited. 

Risk choosing a bad service provider

Following on from the above, this is why it’s essential to find a reputable service provider – ideally, one that’ll help you grow your business rather than put a tonne of restrictions on what you can and can’t do.

Unfortunately, there’s always a risk of entering the wrong partnership, and some people prefer to play it safe by keeping their technical operations in-house.

What is unmanaged VPS hosting?

So, what about unmanaged (sometimes known as self-managed) VPS hosting? With this package, you have total control over your server – the provider will offer basic technical support but not much else. 

With great power comes great responsibility. Although you’ll be able to customise your server exactly how you want, you’ll also have to take charge of the fiddly day-to-day management and maintenance. 

Pros and cons of unmanaged VPS hosting


Often cheaper

Unmanaged VPS hosting is usually cheaper because you don’t rely on third parties. It’s a sensible option for start-ups and new businesses that require little besides a functional server to get up and running. Ultimately, it boils down to budgets and whether or not your money would be better spent elsewhere.

Full autonomy

The biggest appeal to unmanaged hosting is the control it gives you. You can build a server around your exact business requirements without compromise or negotiation. As you can imagine, this opens up a whole world of possibilities. Tech experts have the potential to create unique digital environments that support growth.

No reliance on third-parties

Alongside more autonomy, you can often complete tasks quicker without third-party involvement because there’s less red tape. You don’t have to raise a ticket, join a long queue or wait for the support team to help. Instead, you can make your business the number one priority.


Need more technical knowledge

Unmanaged VPS requires comprehensive technical knowledge. Without this, you simply won’t be able to configure and maintain a server. Although you can find plenty of tutorials online covering the basics, acquiring the necessary skills is a full-time job in itself. Really, it’s a bit like learning a language – you can’t wing it and hope for the best!

May incur extra costs from hiring in-house IT support

While an unmanaged VPS appears cheaper at first glance, it may not be the most cost-effective option overall. This is because you may require additional IT support if you run into hurdles (which are inevitable unless you have a genius-level understanding).

However, if you already have an in-house technical team, this is less of a consideration. You have to weigh up the initial cost vs the long-term investment.

Limited support from the service provider

Managed VPS packages charge a premium for outstanding customer support, whereas unmanaged VPS packages are cheaper because providers only have to do the bare minimum, which is keeping your server online and functional.

This means you won’t be able to ask for help with installations and maintenance. Or, if the team are happy to help, you’ll probably have to wait a very long time for a response.

So, which is best for your business?

So, is a managed VPS or an unmanaged VPS best for your business? While we wish we could give you a straightforward answer, it depends on multiple factors, such as business size, technical expertise and budget.

Generally speaking, managed VPS works for businesses that:

  • Don’t have the technical knowledge or resources to manage a server
  • Lack a thorough understanding of data privacy laws and compliance 
  • Are medium-sized (over 25 employees with no internal IT department)
  • Don’t require a high level of customisation
  • Have a large budget

Generally speaking, unmanaged VPS works for businesses that:

  • Have the technical knowledge or resources to manage a server
  • Understand how to stay secure online
  • Are smaller with less need for a feature-rich environment
  • Do require a high level of customisation
  • Have a smaller budget

Browse competitive VPS packages today

If you’ve decided to let someone else handle all the hard work, we don’t blame you. The next step is finding the right managed VPS package for your business. We have plenty of options to suit every business and budget, starting from just £37.50 per month.

Our cheaper packages still offer an incredible range of features, such as unlimited bandwidth on a 100mbps connection and managed fault resolution. Of course, the more expensive options expand on this to support larger businesses with more complex needs.

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